Aerogel like Track candidate in Al Foils !!

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Aerogel like Track candidate in Al Foils !!

Post by TitritEL »

Hi You'all,
Here is the Aerogel like Track i found last week while dusting in foils .Pretty much does not have characteristics of Candidate crater of possible interstellar dust, but really looks much like an Aerogel particle, Carrot shape and long tale like an a Track. I wounder what it could be the movie number is listed in the picture bellow link for further scanning or checking if it could be some sort of new findings on Al foils.

Movie ID: 3255549V1

Thak you,
Happy Dusting :P
Aerogel like Track In Al Foils??!!
Aerogel like Track In Al Foils??!!
Aerogel like Track.png (231.01 KiB) Viewed 21049 times
Duster : TitritEL
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Re: Aerogel like Track candidate in Al Foils !!

Post by McAngus »

Dear Fatima,
I see that image under a different light.
Thus my questions could be:
- what the little sphere is?
- what the sphere material is, so tough that has engraved the aluminum surface,
in a so aggressive way that produced something like a shock wave around?
- when that happened? Before the launch, in the space, at the impact
on the earth surface when the racket went back?

I don't believe easy to find an answer to those questions.
ad augusta per angusta
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed Jul 05, 2017 11:31 am

Re: Aerogel like Track candidate in Al Foils !!

Post by TitritEL »

Augusto Exactly! that is why i saved the movie on the file it looks interesting how such impact in foils what was it among all other Artifacts that interfer with real Interstellar Dust candidate Particles we are looking for or could it be a discovery of something different Al foils caught while on the Mission for Interstellar Dust well that will be Exciting :P
It looks whatever it is was caught in high speed Impact to Al foils from where it was originated from.

Yeah it is hard answer those question without evaluation .


Titrit EL
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