Phase V Update

Stardust@home project news.

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Phase V Update

Post by DanZ »

Hi Everyone,

Thank you very much for your patience as we try to get Phase V up and running. There have been some delays to be sure (problems encountered during testing, the science team working furiously on important scientific papers, new NASA missions pulling key staff away, etc.), but I'm happy to report that some veteran dusters are now contributing to the last rounds of testing and so far their reports are positive.

As we get close to launch, here is what you should look for in Phase V:

1. Newly scanned data.

2. New "Duster of the Month" highlighted regularly in the Stardust@home blog. (Note: if you would like to be featured, please send me a PM.)

3. An invitation to those who are up to the challenge to run automated track searching "bots" on our raw data (as part of a new competition separate from the VM controlled Stardust@home). Note - this new feature of Phase V will launch separately, AFTER the launch of the VM version.

4. A revised Skill Score formula that does not penalize for found Power Movies. The new score, which uses jsmaje's winning Proposal G, will rise with every correctly identified Power Movie, in proportion to its difficulty. Please note too that the score will also go down after missing a Power Movie; falling a little for high valued movies, and falling more for easier ones. The actual formula is: Power Score divided by {Power Score + total Missed Power Movies (based on their "reverse value" or 85-value)}.


5. Re-scored Power Movies as follows:
  • A. Values run from 5 to 85 in 5-point increments. Thus, no more 27, 28, and 29 valued movies, etc. for which there really was no difference.

    B. Values are based on dusters' ability to find them in Phase IV. As you may recall, many low valued movies were missed by just about everyone. Those are now high value movies! The full spread of new Power Movie values that will be used in Phase V can be seen in the graph below (plotted against their detection level in Phase IV):


Thank you all for helping us make these improvements!

Stay tuned for the official Phase V start.

Best wishes,

on behalf of the entire Stardust@home team
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