SmithES wrote:Hey, guys, I've run across this movie (with a "no see 'em" track) before and always got it wrong. So, I kept a copy of it until another identical movie appeared. They are below. Both movies have identical backgrounds, but the track is located at a different spot in each movie. Since I can't see either track, when the second one arrived in my batch, I was all set to click in the area where it was located in the first movie. Wrong! Track had been moved ---and since I couldn't see it, I missed it again. How about that! Evelyn (ERSTRS)
Hi Evelyn,
Dr. Westphal would like to take a look at these. Do you have any identification numbers of the PM? Are they still in your movies missed list? Any identifying info you can provide will be very much appreciated.
Lily is certainly correct about that "shimmering" effect. John has described it well in the past. Unfortunately, it's not apparent for all the 80-pointers, but it certainly helps with some.
Dan, regarding your comment, " --- But it's all based on performance in Phase IV, and I suppose most everyone was missing this one." You have to remember that "performance" in Phase IV was distorted because many of the more experienced dusters began skipping the lower value PMs so as not to harm their skill score. That means those values were determined by the collective results of less-experienced dusters. That's why we now have some rather easy PMs with higher than expected values. Any phase other than IV would have been better for determining PM values.
Dr. Westphal would like to take a look at these. Do you have any identification numbers of the PM? Are they still in your movies missed list? Any identifying info you can provide will be very much appreciated.
Dan, I don't have the numbers. When I check the ones I've missed immediately, the number does not come up--just the movie. When I receive the notice by email of missed tracks, the number does not come with it. Since we no longer can back up in Phase VI, I can't go back and check it at the time it happens. IF this movie comes around again, I will recognize it before clicking on it, and will copy it for you, number and all. I really miss the ability to go back and look at the movie I've missed, number and all! Also, I'm very discouraged. I missed a 75 pt. and 65 point back to back, and dropped significantly in SS. Then, I found a series of five tracks in a row, and SS dropped when I clicked on each one of them. I can't win for losing....... Evelyn (ERSTRS)
Dan, There have been several identical movies with tracks in different places. I've kept a file of a few that I saw enough times to remember. This one just appeared, so I copied it number and all, before I clicked on the obvious track in upper right corner. It raised my PS 70 points! Hardly a 70 pointer! So, I went into my file and found another time it appeared and I got it wrong. I've included it along with the first one I received a few minutes ago. Maybe this will help. Evelyn (ERSTRS)
curved line 2013-10-24 at 10.32.18 AM.png (107.27 KiB) Viewed 27384 times
Thanks for continuing to try and help me sleuth these bad guys out!
So when you click on one of the movies you've missed, and it brings up the image with the red markers indicating where the track is supposed to be, just look up in the URL address for the VM number of that movie. For instance, in this one I just missed (on purpose), the VM number would be 9621420V1 based on the URL ... 0&theY=161
caprarom wrote:Dan, regarding your comment, " --- But it's all based on performance in Phase IV, and I suppose most everyone was missing this one." You have to remember that "performance" in Phase IV was distorted because many of the more experienced dusters began skipping the lower value PMs so as not to harm their skill score. That means those values were determined by the collective results of less-experienced dusters. That's why we now have some rather easy PMs with higher than expected values. Any phase other than IV would have been better for determining PM values.
Hmmmmmm - that would explain some of this strangeness. In Phase V we launched the first version of the current Skill Score formula (after voting on what various dusters submitted). So you're saying the skipping of PMs was prior to that, and one of the main reasons we looked for a new Skill Score. Does that sound correct to you? Frankly, some of it's a blur to me now!
Dan, Here are two more, without VM I.Ds. I found them in my files. They are of fairly recent origin. Will definitely supply VM number next time---now that I know where to find it! Evelyn (ERSTRS)
It's just me complaining again about Skill Score. I dusted about 30 minutes, didn't miss any tracks. S.S. was .9537 when I began. Power Score was 12600. I found 5 tracks. Power Score jumped to 12680. Skill Score dropped with each track found. Now equals .9522. It wasn't this way when Phase VI began---my S.S. would increase when I found a track. Rarely did it do otherwise, and I climbed all the way to #9 early on. I'm through trying this evening. Will see if I can do better tomorrow. I don't expect any reply. Just wanted you to know why I'm no longer excited to find a track! I dread the penalty that comes with it. SmithES (ERSTRS)
"In Phase V we launched the first version of the current Skill Score formula (after voting on what various dusters submitted). So you're saying the skipping of PMs was prior to that, and one of the main reasons we looked for a new Skill Score. Does that sound correct to you? Frankly, some of it's a blur to me now!"
Yes, Dan, that's essentially correct.
Regarding Evelyn's 65-pointer, there is a small feature at the given coordinates that is subtle, but quite visible, in the lower half of the focal range. I don't see any reason to delete it, especially if we're keeping the nearly-invisible 80-85 pointers.
Regarding different PMs using the same background, while somewhat entertaining, I don't see that as a problem, but it shows off Evelyn's amazing memory and/or record-keeping.