Please report in the appropriate threads

Post here if you are having any kind of problem with the Stardust@home website.

Moderators: Stardust@home Team, DustMods

Stardust@home Team
Stardust@home Team
Posts: 530
Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:28 am
Location: UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab

Please report in the appropriate threads

Post by bmendez »

Hello All,

Thank you all for your reports of various troubles as we launch phase 2. They are very important and helpful. If you have a report of a strange focus movie that should be brought to our attention, please use this thread: ... .php?t=650

If you believe you have been scored incorrectly on a calibration movie, please use this thread (please read the first post in that thread before posting): ... php?t=1094

Thank you again for your help,
"I am made from the dust of the stars, and the oceans flow in my veins"