Dusting is like Fishing!

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Dusting is like Fishing!

Post by jdrockster »

:idea: They call it fishing...not catching! It is the same thrill when you see the unmistakable trail of a track as when you get a bite on your fishing rod. Use care to not click too soon and miss the bite! How many "dusters" Are also fishermen? It takes patience for both! Happy Dusting...get a big one! 8)
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Re: Dusting is like Fishing!

Post by tim_yoda »

jdrockster wrote::idea: They call it fishing...not catching! It is the same thrill when you see the unmistakable trail of a track as when you get a bite on your fishing rod. Use care to not click too soon and miss the bite! How many "dusters" Are also fishermen? It takes patience for both! Happy Dusting...get a big one! 8)
I fish, year after year, without catching much but do it nonetheless. Sounds familiar? :roll:
There are many paralells here not worth getting into. Nice simile! 8)
I've often wondered how many dusters are backyard astronomers.
For those, here's:
[/url] http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ [/url]
I guess it has to do with wanting to understand.

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Post by Siegfried »

I agree! No wonder I haven't found a particle yet. :mrgreen:

Hey, I saw that shuttle a month ago. I went on vacation to Orlando and my mom and step-dad surprised me by pulling in to the Kennedy Space Center and getting the full "Up Close and Personal" tour (we were supposedly going to visit a lawyer--long story...)
And God said: E = +mv^2 - Ze^2/r ...and there *WAS* light!

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