What is this stuff in the movie that looks like a Nerve Cell?

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What is this stuff in the movie that looks like a Nerve Cell?

Post by TitritEL »

Hello Dusters!

I am just carious while looking for tracks in the Aerogel i came across a fascinating structrure like a Nerve Cell except it lacks a clear Nucleus I tried focus it little further who knows we may get traces of life in the outer space :P 8)

Here one of tracks i found and the other movie is for the Nerve Cell like stuff that i am really carious know what is that ? has light on its branches as well really fascinating!
track!.jpg (16.18 KiB) Viewed 19410 times
neuron.jpg (16.68 KiB) Viewed 19410 times
Movie ID: 9898889V1
nervecelllike.jpg (15.47 KiB) Viewed 19410 times
Movie ID: 9898889V1

You all Have a good Dusting!

Titrit EL
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Re: What is this stuff in the movie that looks like a Nerve Cell?

Post by DanZ »

Hey there Titrit El!

So sorry for the late reply. Have been working other projects as of late. Anyway, so glad to have a new duster with us!

The Stardust aerogel has many flaws, including many cracks and small "inclusions," or little pieces of dust that were introduced when the aerogel was manufactured. The surface is also not flat, and sometimes the sloping angle captured by the microscope gives the appearance of "stuff" as well. There's so much of this stuff in fact, that early on we had ongoing discussions on what we were looking at, or more appropriately, imagining we were looking at! You can read one of those threads here: http://stardustathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/ ... f=9&t=1111

To be enjoyed for sure, but never really known in most cases :lol:


Eric Romano
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Re: What is this stuff in the movie that looks like a Nerve Cell?

Post by Eric Romano »

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Re: What is this stuff in the movie that looks like a Nerve Cell?

Post by DanZ »

Both, to be sure!
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