Who's dusting from West Virginia?

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Who's dusting from West Virginia?

Post by ERSTRS »

West Virginia? I read a note that said there are seven of us dusting from West Virginia. I'd love to hear from you! I was born and reared in Charleston and am now retired here--living in Edgewood Summit retirement community. Have a 24" iMac and love dusting. I am 80 years old and dusted for Stardust for one year in Phase One (2006-07), ending up #61 Rank, in the list. Skipped Phase two and am back in Phase Three, and am from time to time, I'm in the Top Ten dusters. If any WV dusters read this, send me greetings by clicking on my name - ERSTRS. Thanks!

Evelyn (ERSTRS)
Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:47 pm
Location: USA

Re: Who's dusting from West Virginia?

Post by DTF »

Hi Evelyn,

Those who have identified themselves as being in West Virginia are: remote, shade8211, ERSTRS, SG22, leshalfhill, Spica, and firefox.

These are only forum members and not necessarily actual dusters. There are probably other forum members from your state who are being counted as not identified and there are very likely many actual dusters from your state who haven't become members of the forum. All of the above members signed up in 2006, so some of them may no longer be actively visiting the forum. However, Spica did make a post here in January 2010.

You might try sending the members above a PM, if you'd like to talk to them.

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