littlebhawk wrote:I am EXTREMELY excited about this project, I have been waiting for a couple months now and Im lucky I didnt have an anxiety attack. But now that the Stardust@home finally has a forum I can talk with other people that have the same interests in space exploration as I do ( considering when I say NASA, or mention any news going on down there in florida I get bad looks from people in my classes). I had to get that off my back....
My main choice for a name would be in honor of space exploration, Columbia7, for the seven who died in the columbia accident in 2003.
I think that is very admirable of you! I am a proud Floridian and wish that everyone in my state would realize what is right here in our own backyard!
Incidently, you could always use one of those silly name generators. Ha!
I'm a little confused on the matter of who gets to do the nameing. Since numerous people will spot the same track then presumably it'll be the first person who spotted it?
OK, for those who didn't read the beginning of this thread, I came out and said that I think that the name of the particle should be respectful. I said we shouldn't do something like name it "Fluffy". I had to change my mind after some other posts and decided to lighten up and look for a variety of names. Recently we got the names of Pluto's two new moons as Nix and Hydra. They had multiple meanings and were symbolic. Well, now we have the name of the object in the Kuiper Belt that got Pluto kicked out of the Planet Club. See here: ... Solar.html
Now, they did still stick with the ancient god/goddess theme, but I have to say, it's a great sense of humor! They also had a tie in to Xena. So there you go! The challenge for names continue!
Just to remind everybody that life ain't always nice and pleasant - a lot of animals have been sacrificed at the altar of science (and politics and ego).